Thursday, May 1, 2014

And away we go.....(Day #1)

Well this is a quick and easy little hello out there to welcome myself to a whole new life and a whole new world.  I'm already starting off well.  I was a bit late getting up this morning, but that's not a big deal.  I adjusted accordingly and am now getting ready to head off to the doctor's office in about 7 minutes.  I shaved the head, trimmed the beard and generally had a good time of it all.  I've made sure that I have my money clip with me (which reminds me.....hold on...okay back - had to go get my insurance card so I don't forget that) so I don't have a repeat of what happened at Fresh and Easy last night (shop, reach for my wallet and what do you know it's not there).  So the plan for this morning is pretty simple.  Dr. V's for my appointment at 9:30, then over the LVAC to pick up my membership card, then over to WalMart to pick up a pair of swim goggles and then over the Fresh and Easy to pick up the makings for dinner tonight (thinking chicken over rice as something simple and easy).  Then home, do some yard work, coding, then back over to LVAC to do one lap.  Then home, read and sleep.  Sounds pretty simple.  Let's hope that it works out that way.  

Until later...

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